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Recongnize authentic Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do in India


AUTHENTIC & FRADULENT! Bruce lee fans, Beware & Be Informed.

submitted by Ritesh Reddy, Third generation Instructor, JKD Ideology, India

Bruce Lee stumped the world with his invention of a new age martial art JKD – Jeet Kune Do. His movie "Enter the Dragon" showcased JKD for the first time to the world and drew millions to embark on the martial arts journey.

JKD is a physical- martial and philosophical-spiritual art. The MARTIAL part includes various ranges – Kicking, Punching, Knee- Elbow striking & Grappling with ground fighting.

JKD is unlike Karate & Taekwondo where major emphasis is on kicking, Judo & Wrestling where major emphasis is on body grappling and Boxing which focuses on punches. In JKD emphasis is total on all ranges of fighting - Kicking, Punching, Trapping-Elbow & Knee, as well as grappling & Matwork. JKD deals with the techniques developed by Bruce Lee specifically for himself- Jun Fan JKD, made up from Fencing, Boxing & Wing Chun, which Bruce Lee adapted to form his specific Stance, specific Footwork & specific Strikes.

The PHILOSOPHICAL part is about Lao Tzu, Zen and JKDization of Life. LAO TZU is about balancing Ying & Yang – harder forces and softer forces of existence (Masculine- Feminine, Day-Night, Optimism- Pessimism, Aggression-Accommodation). ZEN is about translating thought into action without rumination or worry. JKDization of Life is problem solving by the 4 fold path – Researching the subject at hand, Absorbing the useful parts & rejecting useless parts of your analysis and finally tailor-making the conclusions to suit your problem.

Despite the colossal success of his films, Bruce Lee did not want to commercialize his art JKD. Hence JKD is not publicly available till date. All those who claim to commercialize JKD by opening schools, using Press & Media, holding tournaments and teaching numbers in batches are prostituting the name JKD without even scratching the surface of the iceberg. A JKD school is always kept low profile, trains only about 7 students at a time, and each is taught individually (tailormade to correct his mistakes & develop his individual attributes) without hoards trained in batches on common techniques.

After Bruce Lees death, since JKD was not available, the result was other martial arts which were available got popular all over the world. Bruce Lee certified few students in his lifetime in various martial arts he taught. Dan Inosanto, Richard Bustillo, Ted Wong, James Lee and Taky Kimura are some of his prominent students. Today Inosanto, Richard Bustillo and Ted Wong are the most sought out Teachers of JKD. 

These so called ORIGINAL STUDENTS run seminars all over the world to introduce JKD to the participants. The participants are then awarded JKD SEMINAR ATTENDANCE certificates. These are not to be confused with JKD INSTRUCTOR CERTIFICATIONS awarded to deserving by the Original students after a lifetime of specific JKD training under the Original students. The Instructor Certifications are APPRENTICE, ASSOCIATE & FULL INSTRUCTOR which takes decades of researching & training specifically in the Bruce Lee arts.

Those who have been certified by these above Bruce Lees Original Students (first generation) are called SECOND GENERATION INSTRUCTORS. Those who have been certified under second generation are called third generation Instructors. Upto third generation Instructors, one can safely assume that the art of JKD is least diluted. I, Ritesh Reddy, am a third generation instructor, under Dr. Rao, private student of Richard Bustillo.

After Bruce Lees death, Dan Inosanto & Richard Bustillo opened up the IMB Academy (Filipino Kali Academy) which was the first academy to teach JKD. Richard Bustillo had received student certification from Bruce Lee and later was the first student of Inosanto to be issued Senior JKD Instructor Certification, before partnering the first JKD Academy the IMB Academy. Ted Wong, Taky Kimura, Dan lee & others have trained this academy before branching off themselves. Richard Bustillo & Ted wong was instrumental in training Bruce Lees son Brandon Lee, daughter Shannon Lee & in helping raising the Bruce Lee foundation.

To the best of my information, The Bruce Lee foundation has YET NOT DEVELOPED the JKD training program, and is still to develop the JKD Schools all over the world in few years. There are many who locally register Bruce Lee foundation with the TM & Patent office in their country & claim to be the BL Foundation, without any connection to Bruce Lee. The false claims of being BL Affiliate schools can be easily verified by contacting the BL foundation & Ted wong for verification of authenticity of the so called BLF Schools in India (!). There is nothing like a BLF affiliated school anywhere in the world.

Then there is the World JKD Associations & Federations, which is a diploma mill, which offers Full instructor certification to those who pay 500 USD, without ever meeting the students via video sale!  Many Karate Instructors in Delhi & Mumbai have been certified by the such JKD federations & claim to teach JKD. They also hold competitions without realizing that Bruce lee was dead against martial tournaments & sport fighting, with major focus only on full contact no holds barred, all our sparring.


As per Bruce Lee foundation, authentic JKD can only be learnt under those qualified Instructors who have been issued Full Instructor certifications by the Original students (like Dan Inosanto, Richard Bustillo, Ted Wong).

So,  those with full Instructor certifications from original students Richard Bustillo, Ted Wong & Dan Inosanto, can teach JKD. In my approximation there are about 500 JKD Instructors at all levels in the world of which only about 50 hold full Instructor certifications from original students. Only so many in the last 4 decades after Bruce Lees death!

There are martial artists in the world who have trained under Ted Wong/ Inosanto/ Bustillo for a session or two & who claim that they have Instructor Certifications from him (in their websites, there is no display of any Instructor Certificate from any Original student). There are those who are falsely representing BL Foundation in india and "authorize" Indian martial artists to represent BL Foundation to teach JKD in India. Please contact BL Foundation to verify these fradulent claims.

One may also contact the JKD Brotherhood which is a historical JKD website to verify claims of Instructorship.

One may even contact, Richard Bustillo, based in LA, USA, who still runs the IMB Academy, the first academy that taught JKD after Bruce Lee died. He is in his 60;s and is a FBI & LA-County Police Defensive Tactics Instructor. He is a martial arts legend and his seminars are in demand all over the world. At 69 years, he constantly travels world wide spreading the torch of JKD. His fansite is where more info can be found about him. He too can verify who is authorized to teach JKD as approved by BL Foundation & who is certified by him. contact him at

The only authorized JKD School in India & Asia is the IMB Academy-India/ asia chapter, in Mumbai called JKD Ideology. I have personally learnt JKD here under the authentic Instructors, dr. Rao who donot wish their names to be publicized. These Instructors are authorized by Richard Bustillo and are full instructors in JKD. This can be easily verified by contacting IMB Academy or Richard Bustillo himself at He will vouch for the JKD Ideology School in India to be the local IMB chapter under his guidance.

Richard Bustillo frequently travels to india to supervise & train the Indian Bruce Lee fans. His last trip was a low publicized trip to Mumbai in March 2010.

If you have to understand more about JKD, you may visit many websites which offer authentic information on JKD. Yes, there are many like WORLD of JKD - which may mislead you to believe that they are related to the BL Foundation, without nothing to do with BL Foundation, but  have links to BLF website of it.

For JKD information in India- Mumbai, you may please refer to which is IMB – Asia chapter representing Richard Bustillo, Original student of Bruce lee. This website is close in identifying with the concepts & techniques of Jeet Kune Do.

For training in Jeet Kune Do under the same school, visit or contact or call at 9820496752 to learn the authentic low profile Bruce lees art of Jeet Kune Do in India under authority & supervison of IMB Academy USA President, Richard Bustillo, who has been certified by the great Bruce Lee himself.

I hope I have cleared some misconceptions about JKD in India & helped in preserving the good name of the legendary Bruce Lee for the benefit of his fans in India.

Bruce lee strongly believed that one must tailormake every technique to his individual need, by researching, absorbing the useful & rejecting the limitations. He also devised specific techniques to suit his constitution JFJKD. While we must study his methods, we must also understand his concepts, philosophy & ideologies. These will not only help us in becoming better martial artists and also to become good individuals in arena of life.

I wish you luck in your JKD quest, search & journey. I also urge you to remember that JKD is the journey not the destination. So brothers, In the words of Bruce Lee, Walk On!

submitted by Ritesh Reddy




  • The School has to believe & practice the JKD Philosophy, Principles, Techniques, Concepts, Training methodology and also encourage freedom.


  • Lee incorporated into JKD a mechanism that encouraged its own growth beyond its confines. Every instructor must understand and encourage this mechanism and allow for further progress and growth.


  • One does not become JKD by WHAT he does, he becomes JKD by HOW he does. There is always a conventional method of doing something as well as a  JKD method of doing something. The JKD method will be always a SIMPLER, DIRECT, EFFECTIVE method. Thus one has to strive to BE JKD every moment to moment of his existence.


Today the JKD fraternity is divided on who is JKD and who is not, all jumping into the bandwagon to relate in some way to JKD or Lee.


However broadly the JKD instructors lineage has to trace to one of the below sources (In our opinion):


5 Prominent Original Students of Lee:


Taky Kimura

Dan Inosanto  (Inosanto Academy of Martial Arts)

Richard Bustillo (IMB Academy)

James Yim Lee

Ted Wong

[ Brucc Lee Education Foundation ]


Other Prominent Students:


Jerry Poteet

Jerry Meyers

Steve Golden

Joe Lewis

Dan Lee

Larry Hartsell

Bob Bremer

James deMellie

Allen Joe



You will be lucky if you find a JKD instructor who will teach you Lees JKD, but even more lucky if you find a teacher who will help you to find YOUR JKD!

Enter supporting content here


For Outstation Instructor Programs, Outstation Students & Affiliation InstructorPrograms, Call 9820496752 /  9969022229


A Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step ...  - Confucius
Begin your Journey today!
Enrollment Information:
Group sessions in Backyard Class
One on One Private Coaching
Workshops & Camps
We offer Action Choreography
9820496752  or   9969022229

  • HQ - ANDHERI (W)
  • THANE (Ghodbunder Road)
E mail JKD INDIA at:



Special features of JKD training at UCCA


# JKD Ideology Training is imparted at mutually convenient timings and locations by prior appointment.

# Entry is by careful scrutiny & selection to exclude low socio economic, uneducated, anti social elements & those with criminal records.

# One to two hour sessions are planned, depending on the current level of expertise. Training 6 am to 8 pm, Weekdays as well as Weekends batches. 

# Total Course duration is 55 hours, which can be completed at your own pace & leisure.

# For Enrollment, Give us a call, schedule an appointment & meet with us, so as to understand our offered modules & to let us understand ur needs.


# Training includes:


1. Technical Combat Training

2. Equipment Training.

3. Sparring (Fighting) Full contact (Seniors)

4. Weapons Training.

5. Mental Training to optimize utilization of Intellectual facilities.

6.  Cultivation of Philosophical attitudes.

7. A No Nonsense & Logical approach to Lifes problem solving

8. Spirituality via Zen, Taoism & Buddhism

9. Meditation, Positive Visualization & Hypnotic Suggestions for Controlling Fear Response.

10. Diet Principles to gain & lose weight,

11. Nutrition Study to improve Performance

12. Physical Fitness Training .

13. Weight Training for Body Shaping.

14.  Cardio Training for Stamina development.

15. Study of Human Body Anatomy & Physiology.

16. Workbooks & Home Study Projects.

17. Media Learning via Audio-Video Tapes & DVDs / CDs

18. Thesis Compilations

19. Pressure Points & Vital Target Study

20. Group Discussions, Leadership Qualities.

21. Study of Applicable Civil Laws & Police Procedures.

22. Counselling & Psychotherapy for Self Esteem & Positive Self Image.

23. Applications of Jeet Kune Do to Anything & Everything

24. Street Combat

25. Many Newer Subjects are added time to time.


(Where every thought is followed by its appropiate action, without the doubting mind)

Bottom Note:


The Philosophy of Jeet Kune Do Ideology, Mumbai



 The Jeet Kune Do Ideology Mumbai is inspired by fighting principles of the legendary Lee & Sun Tzus art of War.


This Jeet Kune Do ideology will help the Mumbai based martial Arts seeker and practitioner to find his destination. The destination can vary from physical prowess in the ring to combat & martial art skills to mental balance and eventually to spiritual development.


Jeet Kune Do is a journey and represents each mans search for truth both in the Martial arts and in life.  Lee has said that  via Jeet Kune Do Life opens its avenues to us.


Lee  founded Jeet Kune Do, but wished he did not have a name for it. Lee  fans and martial arts enthusiasts all over the world have elevated the word Jeet Kune Do to its present spectacular status.


The martial arts seekers and Lee fans in Mumbai can avail of these benefits from the Jeet Kune Do Ideology.


Those outside Mumbai, in and around India can also approach us for guidance in their Jeet Kune Do journey. If you are prepared to travel to Mumbai, we will help you with your martial arts evolution. 

Knowing is not enough, We must apply.
Willing is not enough, We must do.
 - Lee

Dr Seema Rao